Riola-Modul LTD | General Contractor
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General Contractor

The “Riola” Construction Group Is a Reliable General Contractor

How to install the project without risks, keeping within the budget, with the possibility of saving material and time resources? Of course, you can hire specialists from various companies executing a certain sector of work by yourself, directly controlling them, plunging into the construction process. This approach does not exclude a good result. But at the same time, a high risk of failure is inevitable.


Insufficient qualification of contractors, lack of the combined work coordination, consistent installation will lead to significant lengthening and rise in the cost of the construction process. The most profitable and effective solution will be an appeal to the general contractor. The “Riola” Company carries out construction on the terms of general contract.

The ``Riola`` Construction Group has over 20 years of experience of continuous activity, more than 100 installed projects of different complexity and purpose, a set of services for design, construction projects and construction management.

Cooperating with us, you get a reliable partner with an impeccable reputation and, as a result, an exclusive project accurately executed at each stage, budget saving and the best service. General contractor will allow you not to worry about the process of construction due to the effective use of financial, material, human, technical and time resources. We are fully responsible for the work quality, independently controlling it at each stage. Using the service of the general contractor of the “Riola” Company, the construction will be completed on time, and your nerves, time and strength will be saved.

Competence of the “Riola” Construction Group When Concluding a General Contractor Agreement

The main tasks of the company include:

  Coordination with the Customer and subcontractor of the cost of services, terms, tasks, functions, concluding the agreement;

Obtaining necessary documents, interaction with the state bodies;

Control and assessment of the quality of the executed work, reporting to the Customer;

Construction site organization: selection, purchase and control of necessary building materials delivery, control of their consumption;

Control of the timely execution of the entire range of work. Subcontracting;

Financial, operational and statistical accounting.

The general contractor performs the following functions:

In planning: the general contractor participates in the development of the plan, offers the best options and technologies for reducing construction period and budget saving;

In the organization of construction production: looking for responsible and qualified subcontractors, is fully responsible for their work; settles any force majeure situations by himself;

In the development of the construction site: obtains necessary permits, related to the need to transfer power lines, relocation or felling of trees, use water, electricity, provides convenient access to the construction site for machinery.

General Contract – the Advantages of Cooperation

The role of the general contractor in construction is fundamental. He makes and controls the budget, terms, organizes construction, provides construction site with material and technical resources, attracts subcontractors for special work, interacts with supervisory bodies throughout the construction and commissioning phase of the facility, ensures the quality of the executed work.


Typically, this approach provides a fixed price for a certain unit of area. General contract is a reasonable, practical and convenient system of relationships between the Customer and the Contractor. Professional general contractor will save the Customer from unnecessary additional staff, as well as unnecessary administrative and other costs.

Six Reasons to Conclude a General Contract with the “Riola” Company

General Contractor

We are fully responsible for the construction of buildings and structures of any typology and complexity: health care, educational, industrial, agricultural and commercial complexes, in fully conformity with the legislation of Ukraine, standards and regulations.

General Contractor

The company's quality policy guarantees the absence of undiscovered defects in the execution of work and excludes the possibility of using non-certified materials as well. The quality management is confirmed by the certificate of the quality management system ISO 9001:2009.

General Contractor

The complex approach to safety and labor protection minimizes occupational injuries, which increases the loyalty of employees, as well as the absence of complaints from the state supervisory bodies.

General Contractor

Own production base, as well as a significant fleet of special equipment, construction equipment and tools, not only saves time and money for the Customer, but minimizes project risks as well.

General Contractor

System planning and daily analysis of the work progress, along with management of risks and own resources, allow withstanding the given construction period.

General Contractor

We guarantee legal support at all stages of construction, high-quality execution of work and timely putting facility into operation. With the ``Riola`` Company as the general contractor your construction investment project is in good hands!

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General Contractor

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