Riola-Modul LTD | General designing
The general civil and structural design by the “Riola” Construction Group is a complex approach to the production and release of construction documents based on the constant interaction with the Customer for the most complete realization of his investment ideas.
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General designing

Civil and Structural Design

The general civil and structural design by the “Riola” Construction Group is a complex approach to the production and release of construction documents based on the constant interaction with the Customer for the most complete realization of his investment ideas.


The main postulates that our architects and engineers follow are undoubtedly:


author’s approach to creating an architectural character, laconism and functionality;
absolute project conformity to the state building regulation and standards;
exclusive compliance with the reconciliation procedure of forced deviations from norms;

optimum material consumption and simple affordability of design considerations;
minimal deviations from technical and economic indicators agreed with the Customer;
effective work on the examination of design documentation.

Our goal is to create an architectural character in harmony with the surrounding architectural ensemble, with the best technical and economic indicators and maximum energy efficiency.

At the construction site, the architects and engineers of the company produce the author’s supervision of strict compliance with the project, in order to avoid changes that may lead to negative deviations in the overall result of the work. At the same time, in case there are any deviations from the project, they immediately react by means of partial adaptation of the design considerations agreed with the Customer.


The general design carried out by our company within Ukraine creates a number of significant advantages both for private and public Customers: short design period, high level of applied construction technologies, optimal cost of installing design consideration and, as a consequence creation of the effective architectural facility.

The General Design of the ‹Riola› Construction Group

The “Riola” Construction Group, as the general designer, provides a full range of services for the development of the project at all stages from the “draft design” and “TEO”, the “Project” stage and the construction documents, expert’s assessment and approval of the project by the Customer, as well as control of the execution of building and installation work on site. We analyze the wishes of the Customer in detail, determine the consumer properties of the facility and develop a project of a functional and effective asset.

Functional Responsibilities for General Design

General designing

Competent approach to each stage of design.

General designing

Responsibility in meeting deadlines.

General designing

Quality control and conformity of the project to the state building regulation.

General designing

Coordination of the project, interaction with supervisory bodies.

General designing

Expertise of the construction documents.

General designing

Obtaining construction permit.

We guarantee the timely detection of inaccuracies and their correction, the provision of reports on the progress of design in the format MS Project. We will offer services on a turnkey basis, which will release you from the need to waste time and money on practical arrangements. We will develop, coordinate and bring the project to installation, the distinctive features of which will be innovation, originality and efficiency.

Riola construction group will become your reliable partner, helping to translate the idea into an effective solution of the object. We offer professional architectural design, focused on the result, so we develop projects with maximum functionality and are ready to develop and implement solutions for you to design the following objects:

General designing


General designing


General designing


General designing


General designing


General designing


Interacting with the Customer, we try to form trust-based relations, which further leads to mutually advantageous cooldown. Working with us, you will care only about your business; everything that concerns the installation of the project is our concern.

General designing

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