Thermal modernisation of buildings is the carrying out of system aimed at energy-efficient improvement of the state of all the components of the structures and engineering systems of the building.
The cost of gas for civil and industrial sectors in Ukraine has been recently increased a lot. Thermal modernisation of the building is the only way to reduce the consumption of heating and hot water resources, especially for buildings and structures built according to outdated construction standards and rules. Reducing the consumption of thermal energy will led to reduce in the cost of utility payments for citizens, state and commercial organizations.
Energy efficiency, as a separate type of the facility reconstruction, is becoming more popular and actual within Ukraine, due to the energy dependence on other states. Mass measures for the thermal modernisation of buildings are carried out in order to reduce this indicator. Our company was involved in the «Reconstruction of Ukraine» program and executes work on modernisation of school No. 13 in Slavyansk, the city hospital No. 2 in Mariupol.
Modern high-quality thermal insulation materials allow reducing the costs of heating resources in winter, and electric ones for cooling in summer.
Winterization of the facade increases the service life of the building, as it protects it from the rapid change of temperature and the effects of atmospheric precipitation. After the modernisation, the facility acquires a single composition-aesthetic form.
Warming of the exterior walls of the facade, roof, adjacent ceilings over unheated basement and attic rooms.
Full replacement of old windows and doors outside the building with modern energy-efficient ones.
Modernisation of heating units, individually for each building with automatic regulation for current weather conditions.
Carrying out organizational arrangements for the installation of radiator thermostats for all heating appliances and setting up the consumption records of thermal energy in each apartment (room).
Replacement or modernisation of hot water supply systems using modern water supply equipment in order to reduce water consumption.
The replacement of old sources of heat supply with modern equipment, allowing to use the renewable energy resources - heat pumps, solar collectors.
Complete modernisation of building ventilation systems.
Modernisation of heating systems in all rooms of the building.
Recently, work on thermal modernisation of public and administrative buildings with an increase in their energy efficiency has become more and more popular. Our company has accumulated considerable experience in such work beginning from the energy audit and design to the direct execution of work on the capital repair of the building with the issuance of the energy performance certificate.
The qualitative thermal modernisation of the whole building and the heating systems allow reducing the exit consumption of thermal resources and substantially reduces the costs. Every separately installed project is individually different, but basically, after the taken energy-efficient measures, similar average values of improvements are determined.
The first and the main stage of carrying out thermal modernisation is an energy audit. The energy audit is a technical and economic assessment of a building on the energy consumption, which determines the types of the taken measures to reduce the energy consumption of the building and their payback. The audit determines the optimally attractive offer for energy efficiency. Energy audit is necessary: • when making a decision by the owner of the building on the need for thermal modernisation • for the financing organizations, such as banks and investors for confidence in the economic feasibility of thermal modernisation of this project and timely payment of the loan (return of investment).
Thermal modernisation of the building is carried out only due to the individually developed project. All details, nodes in sections are taken into account when designing, the kinds and types of heat-insulating materials are described.
The project is developed in accordance with the existing regulation, rules and standards of DBN A.2.2-3-2012. The project should provide the ways of:
• preparation of the basement for the work;
• placement and fixing of the warmth-keeping jacket;
• location, number, type and length of the fixing stud (if provided by the project);
Exact connection of the insulation with the separately located elements on the facade of the building, such as sole plate, settlement joints, connection with balconies and millwork.
Execution of construction work on the insulation of buildings and structures, modernisation of all engineering systems is carried out in strict accordance with GASK requirements (Inspection of the State architectural and construction control). The main importance is the complete adherence to the working design documentation as well in order to avoid incorrectly executed work and the use of the defective materials. Correctly organized construction process allows getting a qualitative finished product.