Hypermarket «NOVUS» (ЖК «Lipinka») ≡ Проект Риола-Модуль ЛТД
On the object “construction of the supermarket «Novus», our company undertook the production and installation of the metal frame of the building.
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Hypermarket «NOVUS» (ЖК «Lipinka»)


under construction

Total area:

1920 м²


Kyiv city, Marshala Grechko and prospect of Prawda


Shopping malls

About This Project

On the object “construction of the supermarket «Novus», our company undertook the production and installation of the metal frame of the building.


The new store of the Novus retail network will be the first in the Podolsk district of Kiev and is part of the residential quarter «Lipinki».


The total volume of installation of metal structures is 86 tons.